Monday, August 30, 2010

Windows Live writer

This is just a test using Windows live writer as a alternative to writing directly from my blogger account.


Sunday, August 29, 2010

Island Beach State Park August 28th

Here are some videos we captured yesterday. THis first was at the bay beach at Island Beach State Park.

This next video is the capture of a crab while Steven was holding it. 
Ok , so now its back to the beach, FINALLY.. It was so much fun watching STeven and Sonny get in the water and be so playful with each other. It warms my heart to watch them having such a good time. This is the best father and son relationship I have ever know.. They are both so lucky to have each other..

Well thats all folks !!! hehe.. i hope you all enjoyed our day as much as we did.. Stay tuned for more video in the days to come, or pictures.. or what have you!!!!

Island beach state park and Point Pleasant

What an interesting day. We went to Island beach State Park. Got there around 3pm. Our regular beach area was packed so we decided to go to the bay side. Steven found me some pretty oyster shells, clamshells and a scallop. What a great find !!!

 Steven and Sonny had a blast walking around. Steven caught a blue claw crab.. and we played around with it and set it free again.
Then we got back to the beach end of IBSP. The beach was packed, but little by little, people started going home. I mostly people watched and took in the ocean sounds. We did see 4 big brown pelicans.. but could only see them with the scope as they were far out.  We snacked some and Steven was going to cook dinner when suddenly there were swarms of bugs.. like SWARMS of flying bugs. Steven hurried me back to the car, it was enveloped in bugs. Got in the car and started breathing again.  I was watching them from inside the car. These flying whatevers were pulling off their wings. Steven thinks they were either some kind of ant or perhaps a termite.. Here.. judge for yourself..

Ick i HATE flying bugs.. On our way out of IBSP we saw a beautiful red fox and captured some video of it.. Enjoy!!!

We found a quiet little bay boat lauch and had our dinner. We then headed out to Point Pleasant Beach and Jenkinsons Boardwalk.
Had some yummy ice cream and got some pretty shells and a few little souvenirs for some friends and family..  And heres what we saw to end the night.. nature in its perfection !!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

We had a wonderful day yesterday at Barnegat Bay and lighthouse. Sonny and Steven were fishing, and me?, i was sketching.The first we saw was Barnegat Light house. Always loved this Lighthouse. Its the first time in a long time I was able to sketch. Not my greatest work.. but it felt good. The air was wonderful, so calming, so relaxing. I felt right at home as if were a part of the scene, part of the nature that was abound. I listened to seagulls, and watched terns.

Little sanderlings were hopping rocks, fearless of the people walking along walkway. STeven and Sonny were fishing and caught quite a few, maybe blackfish? They threw them back.. it was fun to watch the excitement on Sonnys face, and Stevens too.

Sonny even got a handful of small mussels :)

There were a multitude of terns and sanderlings. So sweet. It amazes me the beauty that surrounds us and many dont even acknowledge their existance.

Heres some footage we took of the sanderlings and the terns. The terns are so incredible. They hover over the water and then dive down to get their meal. Very fast,but never awkward.. very cool..

After the fishing and some souvenir hunting, we went to a bay beach where Steven cooked us some yummy NY strip steaks.. And then we captured the most beautiful sight of all.Nothing more serene and beautiful than seeing our boy tuckered out from a hard day of play..

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Ok all, here it is, the video I promised of the dolphins.. Enjoy!!!!!
Oh, hehe, here are some pics too that I took with the video camera.. FUN FUN FUN!!!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Spirit of Cape May - The Newest 100 Foot Vessel in Cape May, NJ

The Spirit of Cape May - The Newest 100 Foot Vessel in Cape May, NJ

Cape May

What a wonderful day at Cape May. We went to the shore first, got a beach wheelchair, but then it started raining hard We did manage to get some pics of the Cape May Lighthouse as well as the bunker on the beach

.   We went to where they have the beach with the cape may diamonds. Did a little souvenir shopping and then off to the ship. The ship was totally wheelchair accessible. We went straight to the back of the ship and sat. I was in my wheelchair. First off , before we even left, we saw about 4 osprey nests with their home owners. I love osprey..
Then it was off to see the dolphin. It was quite a ride. Not at all choppy. Sonny was having a blast going on the upper deck to get hot dogs.
Then the show began. I cannot believe how many dolphins we saw and how much we learned about these very intelligent and social  creatures.
There were dozens of them. The best part was when they were riding the wake. They were surfing the wake and it was absolutely incredible to watch.
Here are the best pics we got. We did get video, but that will be a day or two before we can get it on line. We have to first get the new program for windows 7 that supports our vid cam, then I have to edit it.. so please be patient.

We saw other ships/boats . And the view of Cape May from the "sea" was absolutely beautiful.

As our journey drew to a close, we couldnt resist taking these photos.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Family Pics today

Here are some pics we took today. I havent been able to wear this dress since 6 years ago before i got sick. Now it fits me better than ever!!!!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Dragon fly

Steven took this pic in our backyard. The dragon fly was on the rose.

Ground hog

Heres a picture of a ground hog that Steven took at work. Hes so cute I just had to post it!!!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Facebook | Videos Posted by Suzi Dennis: Life with a cat

Facebook Videos Posted by Suzi Dennis: Life with a cat

Why Im Depressed Email

I got this email today from a dear friend .;not sure if i wanted to cry or laugh :)

Over five thousand years ago, Moses said to the children of Israel, "Pick up your shovels, mount your asses and camels, and

I will lead you to the Promised Land."

Nearly 75 years ago, (when Welfare was introduced) Roosevelt said, "Lay down your shovels, sit on your asses, and light up a Camel,

this is the Promised Land!"

Today, Obama has stolen your shovel,

taxed your asses, raised the price of camels and mortgaged the Promised Land! I was so depressed last night thinking about Health Care

Plans, the economy, the wars, lost jobs, savings, Social Security,

retirement funds, etc . . . I called a Suicide Hotline. I had to press

1 for English. I was connected to a call center in

Pakistan. I told them I was suicidal. They got excited and asked if I could drive a truck......LOL

Monday, August 9, 2010

Homefront Blog: Mailroom Monday

Homefront Blog: Mailroom Monday

The Shore

We just love the shore. It has so many healing qualities! And its just fun. Last time we saw dolphin, not far from where Sonny was playing!! here are some pics and a video. Enjoy !! Oh this was at Island beach state park in NJ.


Haha these are pics Steven took when he got to work this morning. The turkeys were totally fine with him being there taking pics !!!