Saturday, November 13, 2010

November 13, 2010

I know its been a while since I've posted. Due to medical reasons though, its been difficult.. But here I am to get you all caught up on our lives

November 11th was so special. It was Veteran’s Day. Steven, being a Veteran, gave us more reason to be part of the day.

We went to Delaware Valley Vietnam Veterans in Bristol PA. Steven., being a Webelos leader was there with his cub scouts to release orange balloons to raise Agent Orange Awareness. The boy scouts partook in that ceremony too.

Agent Orange was tested in Vietnam in the early 1960's and was used increasingly thru the height of the war until it's use was diminished and eventually discontinued in 1971. It was used for killing broad-leaf foliage to deny the enemy cover and concealment. By destroying vegetation, this was to protect American and allied troops from undetected movement of the enemy and ambush. Here is a great informative site on Agent Orange.

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Then there was a flag retirement ceremony. Steve mc’d the ceremony, as he always does. There wasn't a dry eye. ITs a very touching and moving ceremony.  This was the first time the boy scouts partook in the ceremony.

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DV3 were wonderful. They are always so kind and welcoming.

After the ceremony, they had a 21 gun salute and fireworks afterwards.. It was very cool.. A great day to be honoring our Veterans.


Today, we took a ride to the National Veterans Cemetery in Washington Crossing PA. It’s a fairly new cemetery.

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After spending a few moments there in meditation, we went to the 9/11 Memorial at Washington Crossing PA.

It was beautiful. The weather was gorgeous, the sun just starting to set. It was a beautiful memorial, well planned and well done. It was sad. There was a piece of the World Trade just brought back memories..feels like it happened only yesterday.

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It felt good to sit and meditate at both these places.It felt even better to be able to teach Sonny about all of this. The importance of honoring our Veterans, agent orange awareness and the 9/11 tragedy. He remembers. He was in bed with me and we were watching tv together that morning. I feel it is something that we will never forget.

So thats about all for now. Thanks for stopping by.. God Bless you all and God Bless the USA.

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