Tuesday, July 19, 2011

First Beach Day of 2011


Well we finally went to the shore. After a few exhausting weeks at Stevens job, he decided it was time for a mental health day.. so we took off for Island Beach State Park.. Our favorite beach.

We left early in the morning to reach the beach at a good hour. Steven, Sonny, Jen ,Cookie and me. We called the vet and were able to give Cookie some children's strength Dramamine to keep her from throwing up. She did well for the whole trip, although she did throw up once when we were almost there. But otherwise, she did well. THe trip was hard on my body.. but it was sooo worth it.

IT was a beautiful day at the shore. The breeze was blowing, you could feel a slight coolness in the breeze on the beach. We stayed until around 3pm. 6 hours on the beach. Needless to say , even though we used SPF30, we all got sunburn.. But it was great and now we will tan. Sonny didnt go in the water too much.. he wasnt into it. I think he was tired and on some level didnt want to leave me alone,knowing I was in pain.

We had some lunch there. Steven and Jen had a great time in the water. Steven got his much needed water fix.... and i got my much needed surf fix. Just letting the surf take my pain away as well as any upset within me.

Cookie wasn't too sure about it all. She didn't want to wander too far from me. Steven got her to the water and walked her around a bit, but she was content laying on her cooling mat next to me, and watching the people as they were going by, begging them to come play with her. She certainly was the center of attention. 

Jen, too, had a great time. Seemed like she couldn't get enough of the water. Had so much fun.

Here are some pics of that day:


1 comment:

  1. Cool!! a fun day had by all for SURE!! thanks for posting this!!
