Tuesday, December 23, 2014

the end of 2014 is nearing

Its been ages since I have written anything at all. So much has happened, so much life.. but now I'm ready to get back into the blogging and keeping in touch with family and friends.
Well  more permanently in my wheelchair now, not finding any cures for anything i have.. just pretty much trying to keep me pain free for now.
Our hogan passed on this past September, just a week before my birthday.. the saddest day yet of my life.. but a few days after my birthday we bought a new pup, a 3 month old German shepherd we named Thor, hammer of justice.. he is akc registered and all black.. a love for sure..
Steven is still at Comcast and feels fortunate to have a job, with so many people that are jobless.. He is doing great, stressed at times but nothing he cant handle.
Sonny is doing great in 10th grade. his grades are much better than last years. He has a few close friends and is becoming more independent and venturing out more on his own.
both Steven and Sonny are the loves of my life..
Thanksgiving just passed and the day after we had a sort of reunion  It was nice having both my sisters here with their families.. or part of their families.. just so much fun with all the kids here.. and very heartwarming to have both  my sisters here. I love them both dearly. I feel so fortunate to have them both in my life.

Mom and dad are doing great . getting on in years but active as ever. I love being around them. Love all the love i get from them. They are so kind and caring. I learn so much from them and my heart heals with all the love they give me. 
well that's all for now.. will post more pics and  more words soon.. hopefully i can keep up with this.. 
bless you all and merry Christmas.. 

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