Saturday, September 25, 2010

Perfectly Perfect day at the Shore

Today was a healing day at the shore. We went for the sole purpose of watching the sun come up, something we try to do every year and catch some healing waves and rays.. Well it turned out to be a gorgeous day and we stayed out longer than we thought we would !

We arrived at the shore early this morning, around 6:30 am. Sunrise was scheduled for around 6:45. It was cooler than we thought, low 70’s, as you can see by the pics below.

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The sun, peeking red above the horizon, slowly rising, as a ball of fire, lighting the ocean, dance it’s light like diamonds, glitzing, dancing…..

IT was cold, even after the sun came up…


It was  a day for castles in the sand,

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and schools of blue fish dancing a ballet to the sound of the ocean surf.

Dolphins playing hide and seek, riding the waves, disappearing and resurfacing in a happy step.


Brown pelicans, two by two, graced the sky with their presence.



Shells or fragments of, such beauty. Once housing a living thing, now in my possession, holding memories, treasures within themselves.

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A jelly fish, or piece of a very large jelly fish..


Pictures of my two guys.

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The moon, in the western sky as the sun was coming up.

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The water was beautiful as was the surf. It was calming, peaceful, serene.



It was a wonderful day, and now we are back home. Had a good rest and feeling as well as I can be. Hope you enjoyed the pictures and come back and visit soon as we will have video posted of the sun rising.


THanks for stopping by and sharing our life !!!


  1. Just beautiful! I love your comments and narration, I almost feel like I was there. Love that you caught the sun rising. I didn't know dolphins came that far north, same with pelicans.. XXO

  2. What breath taking photos. Loved the sequence. Thanks for sharing. Makes me miss the beach so much more! Glad you enjoyed yourselves, and it was peaceful. Much love from Ryker and I. xoxo.

  3. Hey you i sure miss your emails. thanks so much for posting this amazing sunrise over the ocean ... you are right that is the only way im going to experience that. it was just georgeous. i sure miss you S S love you too hugs from me colleen

  4. Oh i loved the music you used also. who was singing that?????
